November 1, 2010
Some sunshine photos with our girls:)
Gabby &Waceera

October 12, 2010
Waceera, a girl with a pink ribbon has been with us ...
Nessa is in his new home, where she has at his disposal fields, forests and beautiful Polish sea, and above all wonderful new owners:)

September 6, 2010
WACEERA AJIA Makorikori – Baby Winner of the Club 2010 !

Photo By : Tomasz Milewski- Thank You

Photo By Witek Handzlik Thank You
III Polish Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Speciality Show (04.09.2010) was in Cracow.
Judge: Orit Nevo (Isr)
This time, Gabby’s offspring triumphed on the ring, I mean my girls Nesa and Waceera, and their brother Rico at sweet Baby class.
WACEERA AJIA Makorikori – I place and Baby Winner of the Club 2010
WAMWERU ANEESA Makorikori – III place
And their brother:)
WAHADI AKILI Makorkori – II place
First, small steps on the ring, but sweet:) I am much more happier, because my Stars found recognition in Judge, an expert of the race and breeder- Orit Nevo (Israel), with 8 other puppies in competition.
My Paula showed Wasera, that was her debut too ! I really enjoy the joy of my kid, but she has got a long way to become professional handler...

August 15, 2010
Last week we had really nice guests, Jola with Nurek came to us. Thank you for your visit and enjoyable time :)
Otherway thanks to courtesy of our friend, which has got photography talent, we can add some her beautiful photos to our gallery:) Waceera and Nesa gallery
Jola thanks for beautiful photos.

Proud mom and her two daughters :)

Nurek & Waceera:)

August 10, 2010
The puppies of “W” litter domesticaded at new homes for good. We’ve got full contact with their keepers, which report progress of our puppies.
We made new gallery ”W” Litter – at new homes “, we invite you there !
Thank you for your photos and please don’t forget about us :)

August 3, 2010
One show quality girl (pink ribbon) is still waiting for her home, her name is Waceera Ajia.
Waceera and Nesa ended 3 months 1st August. They are growing really quick, i love their crazy, Rhodesians fun.
We’re taking our girls on puppy’s school to: www.wesolalapka.pl (J. Ga³uszka), to contact them with peers, but good manners are useful too :) We will work on that alone too :)
Anyway, I’m taking redheads everywhere it’s possible. I usually take them singly, because trips together are something like comedy, when walking on leash they keep playing , push one throught the second, excepting thing, what would they like to eat J It’s safier to go singly, and additional benefit is, that they are more oriented to cooperate with people. We are going to stable, their reaction on horses is really good, same with city and all city noise, that’s normal.. The girls are brave, really contactful and sociable with people and with other animals :)
I would like to invite you to look into new photos of sisters gallery.

July 22, 2010
Almost all puppies are already in their new homes, but continues to be fun:)
What’s new ?
We will keep one girl of the litter, which keeps playing with her sister show quality girl and until we won’t find home for her, we will have three ladies. All girls are great, including mother! It’s really funny here :)

June 25, 2010
Today same great event and a lot of excitement!
Pups slowly leave us, this is accompanied by strong emotions. Glad to have wonderful new homes, we wish you all the success and much happiness!
And a message from the last moment...
Today, on a World Dog Show Denmark(Herning) the dad of litter “W” -Ikimba WAITIMU became a World Winner 2010!
That’s great news, we are very happy about prestige title of Wantu !
Our puppy’s can be proud of their dad and their origin... but we were sure about that before...
Congratulations for Georg and Wantu!

May 29, 2010
Puppies are 4 weeks, new photos in the gallery

May 1, 2010
Great day today!
Llitter ‘W’ in the world- Gabby gave birth to 11 puppies- 6 females, 5 males:)
Gabby is excellent, carefully takes care of their offspring.
We are very happy and terribly tired.
Pictures and more information on the
litter 'W' site

April 6, 2010
Today our Gabby ends three years!
We wish Gabby and her siblings from the litter "G" wonderful dog's life!

March 29, 2010
Gabby pregnancy confirmed!
Today we were at the Usg, now we wait!

March 7, 2010
Will March 1 be our lucky day? Of course I’m thinking about the thing we’ve been planning for so long, that is the mating of our Gabby with Wantu!
Well, I’m sure it’ll produce beautiful and healthy offspringJ
At the beginning of March (March 1-3) we took our Gabby for a trip to Germany, to the beautiful city of Iserholn, where on the edge of the woods lives a charming Marek family together with their six cute ridgebacks!
One of them is of course our GABBY GAYLE Leo Ginger’s mate- gorgeous IKIMBA Waitimu- aka Wantu, who’s going to be the litter’s father.
Gabby and Wantu met and as it could have been expected, they did excellent!
And now, there is nothing left for us to do but wait for Gabby’s ultrasound scanning that will confirm her pregnancy.
Once again, I would like to thank Jurek (Georg J. Marek), Wantu’s owner, for everything he did for us!